Display 3d models using SceneForm Scenview in yourApp Using Firebase
ArCore is a software development kit developed by Google, it empowers developers to create immersive augmented reality experience in android apps. However, support for mobile devices is limited to some devices.
ArFragment vs SceneView:
ArFragment empowers an immersive Ar experience in the android app. It enables the user to place a 3d model in one’s place and interact with it.
However, Sceneview works differently; we add a 3d model in scene view just like Ar but inside your app.
What to expect?
In this post, I will load a 3d model from firebase storage on to scene view. We will make the 3d model transformable so the user can interact with it, like the video below.
Lets Start Coding:
Step 1: Setting up the Project
First, you need to add these Dependencies to the app-level build.gradle
// Provides ArFragment, and other UX resources.
implementation 'com.google.ar.sceneform.ux:sceneform-ux:1.17.1'implementation 'com.google.ar.sceneform:assets:1.17.1'
// Alternatively, use ArSceneView without the UX dependency.
implementation 'com.google.ar.sceneform:core:1.17.1'
Set Compile options to Java 1.8
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
To use scene form, you must set the mini SDK API level ≥ 24
last, add the permissions and requirements to your app’s manifest file
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-feature android:glEsVersion="0x00030000" android:required="true"/>
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera.ar" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>android:required="true"/>
<meta-data android:name="com.google.ar.core" android:value="required" />
Step 2: Setting up the Arcore Session and installing Google Ar Services
Add this code to your main activity. It checks if the device has Google Ar Services installed, if not then prompts the user to install ArCore.
Step 3: Downloading model from Poly and converting it to GLB
First, go to https://poly.google.com/ and download a model in updated GLTF format
After downloading it extract it to a folder you will get something like this
Now, go to https://glb-packer.glitch.me/ drag and drop both files on to the website. It will convert the model to GLB format
Step 4: Add the model to firebase storage
Go to Firebase Storage and upload the model. After the upload is completed copy the link of the model
Step 5: Setting up our onCreate function
In this function paste the firebase storage link in a variable. Make a transformation system that enables us to rotate, scale, and move the 3d model.
Step 6: Building the 3d Model from the link
Now we will build the model using the link and then save it into a model renderable. We will also check whether the internet is working.
Step 7: Last step is to load the renderable on the scene view
In the last step, we will create the node, we will use the transformation system to set it up. To attach it scene view we have to set the parent of the node to scene view. Then we will set its local position to (0f “x-axis”, 0f “y-axis”, -2.3f on “z-axis”) and set the renderable of the node to the model that we just built.
You can get the code at
So, What Next?
Arcore is very powerful, you can use ArCore to build many interesting apps l Snapchat, furniture apps like IKEA, and many more. We have not used the camera functionalities in this app but the real power of ArCore is in augmented reality apps. What apps would you like to build using Arcore?